Loving Jesus. Loving neighbors.
CrossWinds is an urban, neighborhood focused, and multi-congregational Gospel-centered church. We are defined by two loves. We love Jesus and we love our neighbors. These two loves, the one flowing from the other, shape everything we are and everything we do.
Trusting God for a church Planting Movement: CrossWinds Exists to start and grow intentionally local, indigenous, reproducing, urban churches in the under resourced neighborhoods of Grand Rapids, MI.
We envision a family of neighborhood congregations scattered throughout the neighborhoods of greater Grand Rapids. Just as the city is made up of many neighborhoods, so CrossWinds envisions being one church made up of many neighborhood congregations. CrossWinds is a diverse family of neighbors who are committed to loving Jesus and loving their community.
DIVERSITY- The Gospel tells us of Jesus who is Lord of all nations. As the gospel spreads it breaks down the dividing walls and brings people together in one body.
NEIGHBORLINESS- The Gospel tells us of the supreme love of the father. Having experienced this love we now spread that to our neighbors through generosity, community service, and hospitality.
FUNCTIONING AS FAMILY- The Gospel tells us of the dynamic adopting love of the Father who welcomes us into a family. Since the church is a family it provides love, welcome and support.
EVERY MEMBER A MINISTER- The Gospel tells us of the Holy Spirit who indwells and empowers all believers. Each Member is called to love , serve, contribute, evangelize, and disciple as the the Spirit has uniquely gifted them.
INTENTIONALLY LOCAL- The Gospel tells us of Jesus who is exalted over all. There is not a place on earth he does not declare, "Mine". That includes specific neighborhoods that God calls us to love and serve.